
Spikeball Buoy

SKU: 670-0361 Categories: ,

Take Spikeball o a new level! Play at any water depth. More shallow water = more running and dives. he Carrying bag is also the anchor bag. Fill it with a 3-4 pound item that doesn’t have sharp edges such as sand or smooth stones. Includes floats and anchor bag. Spikeball game not included.


5 in stock


We meant it when we said PLAY ANYWHERE. Attach Spikebuoy to your Pro or Standard Spikeball set, fill the anchor bag, and you’re ready to play in the ocean, lake, pool or that giant bathtub from Scarface.
Standard Spikeball rules with one exception. If you’re playing in a pool, any shot that lands outside the pool is out of bounds.

Play at any water depth. More shallow water = more running and dives.

The carrying bag is also the anchor bag. Fill it with a 3-4 lb item that doesn’t have sharp edges! Sand works great, so does 240 quarters.

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